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About us


There is no doubt about it, recruitment can be tough. Widespread skills shortages continue to impact a number of specialist areas, there is ongoing market uncertainty and it can be difficult to find and engage with the right candidates that are suitable for your role, especially those who are not actively searching for a new job. Furthermore, candidates today expect searching for a job, finding out more about your organisation, and applying for that job to be as easy, informative and seamless as possible.

That’s where we can help. We create online recruitment campaigns that cut through the noise to engage with the right professionals for your roles from diverse talent pools. We have a range of options available whether you need support finding that one ideal candidate or several professionals. We deliver against even the most demanding of objectives, regardless of your organisation’s size, industry or sector.


All our digital products are underpinned by our Find & Engage strategy where a dedicated expert recruitment consultant will manage the end to end campaign. We don’t solely rely upon the online solution or a traditional ‘advertise and apply’ method as this solution alone only engages with those actively seeking a new role, therefore missing out the broad pool of talent not currently looking for a new job, but who would move for the right opportunity.

We reflect the behaviours of candidates in the modern world who now expect to be actively presented with interesting information rather than seek it out. We will therefore reach out to our extensive and already engaged talent networks, create extensive database targets, promote referrals and a full range of attraction methods to maximise the quality of the applications we receive for your roles.

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Beginning life in 1968 with just a handful of employees, Hays has over 10,400 staff operating worldwide, including over 100 working in offices in Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway to help organisations and professionals develop and grow

Our expertise lies in being able to source skilled and qualified professionals, our unparalleled ability to engage with an extensive network of talent, and our capability to match this to our clients’ specific requirements. We take the best recruitment practices along with the candidate relationships and networks that our consultants have developed over many years, and combine this with our investment in data science and digital marketing capabilities to find and engage with the best candidates faster that anyone else.

Working across over 13 different industries and professions, we recruit for permanent and temporary roles for organisations of all sizes in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors.

Get in contact today to begin creating your campaign to find the right person for your role.