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What's Included

Browse our list of key features for further information on what makes up our recruitment solutions, and which of our packages include them.

Regardless of the package you select, we will work with you to design the content for your recruitment campaign to ensure the 'look and feel' is representative of your organisation and will ultimately encourage applications from the professionals you want to engage with.

Ranging from a sponsored job on our own Hays website through to a fully branded career site, our range of features enable your roles to gain a wider reach of talent. Post-campaign, we will provide extensive MI and analytics that you can use within your organisation in future hiring decisions.

Premium job posting

Upgrade your job listing to premium to allow greater exposure to visitors. Our sponsored job package ensures that your job advert featuring your logo is first to appear to the most relevant applicants that visit the Hays website. Our website receives over 40,000 unique visits every month.

Employer-branded Career site

Forming the core of our employer-branded multi-channel campaign package, the employer-branded career site (working with your current career site or as a standalone) acts as a hub for skilled professionals to apply for your roles. We will create a seamless applicant experience, where candidates can easily access information about why they should join your organisation. They can get a feel for your brand, from the benefits on offer and your values, before applying for a role.

Each career site is custom built, ensuring that the applications it generates are of the highest quality and relevance to you. Site content is optimised for search engines (SEO) to improve the awareness of your career site to diverse sets of candidates. In order to ensure your roles are seen by the right people at the right time, we can also create job adverts (PPC) and content to help increase visibility on search engine results pages.

M.I. reporting

By working with us, we can provide you with a range of management information and intelligence from the multiple channels we use to promote your roles to help you to measure and improve the effectiveness of your adverts.

This includes name-blind diversity metrics of those applying, so you can review, adapt and track the responses to your adverts to be more open and inclusive to all.

Social media promotion

Each campaign will have a social graphic created to promote your career site to our large audience of followers via our social media channels. Our networks of prospective talent on social media is extensive, for example, Hays is the most followed recruitment company on LinkedIn with over 4 million followers.

Dual-branded career site

Our simple but effective dual-branded career sites advertise your available roles to prospective candidates, while also delivering a quick and efficient application process to ensure a positive candidate experience. We will advise on the best way to sell your organisation on the dual-branded career site, so that it reflects your core values to ensure we can engage the widest talent pool for your role.

Targeted email promotion

With an extensive database of engaged talent and use of AI-powered search technology, we can target specific groups of professionals with a branded email campaign linking back to your career site. This encourages applications from candidates who may not be actively searching for a new role, but who would move for the right opportunity.

Featured employer

A link to your organisation’s career site will feature as a banner on the homepage of our Hays website, which attracts over 40,000 unique views each month.

Diversity & inclusion

Through extensive research, we know that to encourage applications from underrepresented groups, organisations need to feature their commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I) when promoting their roles. To help showcase your organisation as an employer of choice and to attract credible candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, we will advise on the engaging content to include in your recruitment campaign based on your real-life examples. We can then monitor the diversity of applications via our M.I reporting tool.

Video job adverts

We can make sure your jobs really stand out by promoting them through short, impactful video job adverts. Highly engaging when delivered through our targeted social media activity, they can help drive more interest and applications to your roles. Video content can also be used within the employer-branded career site package and delivered by you to create a welcome message for prospective employees.

This feature is included in:

Employer branded Multi-channel Career site

Dual Branded Career site & Advertising Package

Branded Advertising Package

Premium job posting

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Get in contact today to begin creating your campaign to find the right person for your role.